
Sue Downey

Currently my nanny family is under construction. Well, the family is not under construction as much as the roof and the family room and the hall and the kitchen….. well, lots of work going on. I know, if you have ever been in this situation, you feel my pain. 

It's been difficult too because this family has never had a nanny manager before. Until recently, my kiddos were little and they demanded my full attention. So trying to be helpful has meant working hard to find ways to better communicate with them. 

This has meant for me as a business to put the rush on getting our version of the Nanny Manager House Book ready for print. I have been testing pages and working with Kellie to be as comprehensive as possible in our approach to everything you need to keep a home running smoothly. 

Personally, it has meant that I can test pages and systems to help with the complicated dance of communicating with contractors, vendors, mom and dad and keeping it all moving forward as fast as possible. 

Sadly, no system will work the same with every family. But I am learning there are a few things that help. Like our Project Page- where you can work out ideas for projects and then record your steps so everyone knows what you are doing without having to tell them everyday! Watch for it to be a free download or download right now for only $5. 


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